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01-2023 How did I start to write songs?


I really like music, as you do. I used to listen to music as a listener, but now I'm a singer/songwriter, you might wonder how I got here. I'm going to talk about my music history a little bit from my childhood to late days.

When I was a child, I learned the piano. I liked it, but on the other hand I also liked the theme songs of Japanese animation played on TV at that time.  Actually, I liked better to listen to the songs than to watch stories, sometimes I often stared at the screen of TV to get the subtitles of the lyrics. Because they moved so fast, I asked my mom earnestly to get and write them down. Really I needed to know them for me to SING! I believe it was so bothersome for her to do it. (Mom, thank you so much! 🙂 

And one day, maybe I was 3rd or 4th grade student, suddenly I got an idea that maybe I could compose songs with the piano. With a piece of paper and a pencil, I don't know why, but I tried to create the title of the song at first. And next, I tried to make the melodies. For a while I struggled, I gave up making it  finally. I was disappointed and closed a fallboad of the piano alone, realizing how hard it was to write a song. Don't you think this is exactly a sign of my songwriting??

After I got my job, I started vocal lessons. My vocal coach said to me that I could choose the songs for my lessons. I chose some songs and took them to the lessons for about a year, but honestly I didn't feel strong passions to want to sing them. Yes, I realized that I had no songs I wanted to sing at that time though there were lots of songs in the world around me ! Then I thought like this;

"OK, I will compose my original songs."

I didn't see that coming, it was totally unexpected by myself. Anyway, after this decison, I started learning how to compose songs. My coach was sax player and used many kinds of chords like magic. I learned a lot of basic things from her.

It's passed so long time since I gave up making my original songs. Now I've become a singer-songwriter and release songs as SymLa-3000. If I could tell her who was a elementary school student about this, how would she react to me? I wish I could see it !

02-2022 The Interview in Volatile Weekly


Volatile Weekly posted SymLa-3000’s interview article on the website. Thank you Volite Weekly, , I am so glad to be featured.

→Read More



02-2022 Volatile Weekly インタビュー


、Volatile Weekly サイトにて、SymLa-3000のインタビュー記事を掲載頂きました (2022年7月18日)。アメリカのみならず、世界各地のバンドやミュージシャンの情報も発信されているサイトです。

元記事はこちら→Volatile Weekly



Q: 音楽に入ったきっかけは?もし音楽をやっていなかったら今何している?


Q: 音楽をやっているとき以外は、何をしているのが好き?それらは音楽活動にどんな影響があると思う?

→外出して写真を撮ること。 撮れた景色の写真から、その背景や物語を想像する。その経験が少しずつ私の中に積もって現在進行形の物語になる。そうすると、曲にせずにはいられない感じ。


主には2000年代のヘヴイ/ラウド ロックやメタルのディストーションのきいたサウンドやギターリフ。自分の声にあう範囲で、SymLa-3000の音楽にできるだけたくさん取り入れたい。

Q: バンドで音楽活動を始めたばかりの人や、まだ若いときの自分にアドバイスするとしたら、何?


Q: もし過去に戻れて自分に何かアドバイスできるとしたら、何?


Q: 自分の曲の中で、最も意味のあるものは?それはなぜ?

ファーストアルバムの中の最後の曲、「The Spectrums」。苦しい思い出がたくさん、長い間心の中に残り、それに繰り返し傷つけられてきた。この曲の中で、「過去と決別して前へ行く」と自分に誓っているから。私にとって、過去との決別は最も難しいことのひとつ。

Q: 演奏するのに最も好きな曲は?また、最もリクエストされる曲は?

→「On my way」。歌っていると、曲中の風を感じられる気がするから。リクエストしてもらうのは「Monochrome Story」かな。みなさん、どうもありがとう!

Q: 自分の曲を通じて、どんなメッセージをリスナーに感じてほしい?


Q: バンドで反対意見にあったことはある?そのとき、どうやって乗り越えた?


01-2022 Talking my PR for Canada


Now I’m talking SymLa-3000’s PR for Canada, July 2022. I’m featrued in these sites below, they introduce me kindly and I look like incredibly cool !! Thanks So much, and so honored. Also great thanks to Eric Alper (Music Publicist, SiriusXM Host, From Canada)

〇FINDYOURSOUNDS (June 29, 2022)

〇TINNITIST (June 30, 2022)  By Darryl Sterdan 

-Tinnitist is the most widely-read music blog in the country, written by Canada’s most-followed music critic on social media!-  By Eric Alper

〇Metaldevastationradio (June 30, 2022)

〇CASHBOX CANADA (July 01, 2022)

-Cashbox is the leading Canadian industry-read website- By Eric Alper

〇RECORD WORLD (United States) (July 01, 2022)

-Record World is the 2nd-oldest music industry publication behind Billboard- By Eric alper

〇ROCK CONNECTION 77 (July 05, 2022)

〇BK On The Scene (July 06, 2022)